We can Prepare our-selves in here.. Connect with the whole heart... 

Instagram 📸

You can find out Toodolee in Instagram, 

Instagram is an American photo and video sharing social networking service.

it is used by 1 billion people, all over the world. (may be including aliens) 

Toodolee is Active in Instagram and you can easily communicate to Toodolee from there.  



Buy Me A Coffee

Buy Me a Coffee is a simple, meaningful way to fund my creative work.

without signing-up you as a supperoter can support the worthy work,

which you think has soul and it's belief and faith on the work is so strong. 

It is something like, mmmmm..


which you can see it down at boooootoom, in this way, You can also see up your benefits in them, if you click up the link.


Patreon đŸŒŗ

Patreon is we all know, it is pretty popular, you can choose up any one of patreon or buy me a coffee, it;s all up to you, the benefits you can get from them is common and you can learn about it, by checking up the link yeeeep... 



Github đŸ˜ē 

(For Developers)

With being freest, Toodolee is opensource, and it's building blocks are available in the github,

Toodolee is written in Flutter, The Community can raise issues within the app, add Features and can work together on a same goal which is to limit things to achieve limitless. 

thus raise up your issues, you voice will be heard, effectiviely and your feeds will be improved, Amen.

You are my Code I am Your Plugin.

Just Plug me in your Code..
